Eindrücke von Studenten

Jana, Germania
Im Rahmen eines Bildungsurlaubes durfte ich die ABC- Scuola für zwei Wochen besuchen. Es war ein Fest! Es hat einfach alles gestimmt. Nach einem Einstufungstest kam ich in eine kleine Klasse, in welcher der Unterricht stets fordernd aber nie überfordernd war. Das Klassenklima zeichnete sich durch eine fröhliche kultur- und altersübergreifende Zugewandtheit aus, was besonders den fremdsprachlichen Einstieg erheblich erleichterte. Besonders hervorheben möchte ich das ermutigende und freundlich-verbindliche Wesen aller Mitarbeiter der Schule. Man traf allzeit auf offene Ohren, wenn es galt, organisatorische Fragen zu klären. Der Unterricht fand mit viel Humor, Esprit und großer fachlicher Expertise statt. Jeden Nachmittag wurde durch die Schule eine Freizeitaktivität angeboten. So konnte man z.B. kunstgeschichtlichen Vorträgen lauschen (die in einfacher Sprache mit bunter Gestik auch für mich als Anfängerin zu verstehen waren), gemeinsam Yoga praktizieren, Ausflüge in die Toskana unternehmen, zusammen eine Pizzaria besuchen und vieles mehr. Die Zeit in Florenz bei Brenda, den Sylvias, David, Francesca, Leornardo und den vielen anderen hoch engagierten Menschen sehe ich als einen großen Gewinn für mich und werde sie nie vergessen. Vielen Dank!

Elaine J., USA
I really enjoyed the opportunity to improve my Italian language skills, which were pretty basic to start with. I thought the work was challenging, but very helpful the teachers for grammar as well as conversation were excellent. They were professional, friendly , helpful and patient. I greatly enjoyed the other students in the class who were from other countries. The extracurricular activities were a lot of fun. Additionally, the various tours to local and remote sites were conducted in an excellent manner. They were informative, as well as lots of fun. We had the opportunity to participate in a cooking class with a local citizen, which was a lot of fun, informative and delicious. Every single person associated with ABC was helpful, friendly, and professional.
I was sort of surprised at how crowded Florence was at this time of the year and if I go back, which I hope to do, I will go to different time of the year when it’s not so crowded with so many tourists.
I have a friend who is very interested in pursuing her Italian skills and I am going to recommend recommend ABC to her . She previous experience in school in Rome and she was not happy. I think she would really like ABC Florence.
Thank you

Mariela, UK
I would highly recommend this school to anyone who wishes to immerse themselves in the Italian language and culture. The lessons are interactive, varied, and engaging, yet with a relaxed atmosphere and the staff are helpful and friendly. There is plenty to do outside of lessons with many day trips around the region, as well as activities such as pizza tasting, aperitivo nights and cultural/historical seminars. Overall, an amazing school who will undoubtedly help you improve your proficiency as well as providing an unforgettable experience.

Fabian, Svizzera
Ich habe in dieser Schule 4 Wochen Italienisch gelernt und kann diese Schule nur weiterempfehlen. Die Lehrer sind alle sehr aufgeschlossen und nett.
Hauptsächlich kann ich die Schule aufgrund ihres Freizeit Angebot empfehlen. Es findet fast jeden Tag, ein Spaziergang, Stadtrundgang oder eine Museumsbesichtigung statt. An jedem Samstag kann man sich für eine größere Exkursion anmelden, da wird beispielsweise in eine andere Stadt gefahren in der Toskana. Zudem gibt es einmal pro Woche ein gemeinsames Nachtessen in einem Restaurant. Diese Freizeitangebote sind ideal um neue Freunde zu finden und aktiv Italienisch zu sprechen. Hier kann man das gelernte vom Morgen direkt in die Praxis umsetzen.

Bruno, CH
Questa scuola di lingua è veramente una vera perla tra le scuole di lingua.
La positione è perfetta proprio accanto al Ponte alle Grazie e vicino al Giardino Bardini.
Offrono molte attività ricreative, sopratutto con guide competenti.
Gli insegnanti sono super competenti e motivati.
Ottimi anche i dipendenti della segreteria.
Perfetto per costruire una lingua / approfondire la lingua italiana.
Ho potuto migliorare significativamente culturalmente, interpersonalmente e linguisticamente.
Grazie mille e saluti Bruno.
P.s. Mi piacerebbe ritornare e lo consiglio vivamente: il mondo apartiene ai coraggiosi!

Benjamin S., US
La scuola ABC è incredibile! Io mi sono inscritto a scuola per due settimane in settembre, 2022, e la mia esperienza era molto buona. Ho fatto il corso intensivo e ho avuto tre insegnanti diversi. Tutti erano molto in gamba e ho imparato un sacco. Le classi sono piccole, l'edificio è molto bello, e le attività di pomeriggio sono divertenti e aiutano a migliorare l'italiano. Sono sicuro che tornerò a scuola quando torno a Firenze!

Silke, Germany
It has been an experience I would not want to miss!
I had booked a 50+ course and due to the results of my online placement test a couple of weeks prior to the start of my course I had been placed in a level B course which was perfect for me, challenging but appropriate.
The location of the school is good. There was a 90 minutes lesson of grammar, a 15 minutes break and a 90 minutes lesson of conversation. The teachers (Vincenza and Silvia A. for grammar, Cristiano and Michele for conversation) had been excellent. Very capable, friendly, humorous, and especially Michele had a very creative way to design the lessons.
The 50+ program also included a 90 minutes walk after lunch break on three afternoons per week. This was accompanied by another teacher with a tour guide license (Silvia B.), she was extremely nice and had a wonderful way of explaining history, culture and art and telling exciting stories. As I usually was the only "50+" joining this walk, this had been a very much appreciated extra lesson of conversation for me.
There have been other activities offered (from excursions, cinema to yoga). I was very lucky with my study group, an international mix (Austria, England, France, Poland, Russia, Japan, Guatemala and Chile) of wonderful people from 23 to 62 years, which rounded off the overall experience.

Anna Helene, Denmark
I would very much like to do it again.
I am overall satisfied with the school. The location is perfect, and the staff and teachers are clever, competent and helpful. Personally I needed more conversation at my beginner level - so I need to go back! Regarding activities we had the most brilliant guide at our side.

Dafna, Israele
Carissimi team del ABC school,
Mi avete fatto sentire come se fossi a casa mia dal primo momento che sono entrata in scuola. Poi e' iniziata la prima lezione di grammatica nella quale mi sentivo molto bene grazie agli altri gentilissimi studenti e alla maestra Giulia. L’esperienza di studio con lei è stata la migliore che io abbia mai avuto!
Poi le lezioni di conversazione con Linda sono state un grande piacere. Abbiamo parlato di soggetti interessantissimi e attuali, e anche abbiamo allargato il nostro vocabolario d'italiano, tutto in modo molto divertente e piacevole.
Poi le attivita' culturali sono state veramente indimenticabili. Le guide erano veramente in gamba.
Il fatto che I gruppi di studenti erano piccoli ha diventato l’esperienza di studio personale e intima.
Non immaginavo che queste 4 settimane sarebbero state così divertenti. Sono stata veramente fortunata.
Non vedo l'ora per tornare per la prossima volta!
Mille grazie e alla prossima!!

Georgina, UK
I'd narrowed down studying Italian at a language school in Florence to 3 choices but as soon as I walked into ABC school, I knew it was the one for me. Housed in a beautiful old palazzo, with frescos on the ceiling and an old world charm, it's the perfect setting for learning Italian. The staff and teachers couldn't have been more friendly, welcoming and eager to help; the standard of teaching is high, the range of extra curricular activities is impressive and nothing is too much trouble. I was a little concerned that as an 'older' learner I'd find myself in a class of teenagers but what I loved about the school is not only the age range (from 17 - 90!) but the array of different nationalties. As well as learning a great deal of Italian I also made some great friends from around the world. I cannot recommend the school highly enough and will certainly be back!

Lukas, Germania
10/10, I just finished a two-week Italian language course here and was blown away by the amount of Italian I learned in such a short period, specifically thanks to the amazing teachers at ABC! They have a great combination of grammar and conversation classes and all the teachers I have experienced where extremely skilled. Furthermore the whole communication and planning with the school beforehand went very smooth and I will most likely go back for another course later this year. Thanks Serena, Francesca, Silvia and the rest of the team :)

Aliya, Cina
I would say that ABC School is the best language school in Florence, and studying here was such an unforgettable experience for me.
All teachers and secretaries are so nice!!! The kindest people I've ever met. Especially Monica, Conny and Silvia, I really love them! They are always patient and try their best to help me, I was very lucky to have them.
The classes are also attractive and the teachers are qualified. I did learn a lot within 3 weeks. The afterclass activities are interesting, I went to an activity to show us how Italian people make gelato, that was amazing! Besides, the students are from all over the world and in different ages, they are really nice people, and I'm glad to be friends with them all!
In a word, I'd like to say thank you to ABC School. They made me happy, they taught me a lot, and let me fall in love with Florence. I absolutely want to go back there again!

Catherine, Francia
Je suis très contente d’avoir effectué une semaine de cours d’italien à l’école ABC.
L’accueil y est excellent, le personnel est très à l’écoute de nos besoins.
Les enseignants sont très bons, ils arrivent à nous faire comprendre les règles de grammaire très simplement.J’ai été tellement agréablement surprise, que J’envisage de prendre des cours par Skype, en attendant de pouvoir revenir prendre des cours à Sestri Levante ou l’école ABC dispense des cours..
Expérience très positive, je reviendrai. la disponibilité et l’accueil chaleureux du personnel, imprègnent l’école de bienveillance qui se ressent dans les relations avec les autres élèves.

Christine, Canada
Quelle belle expérience j'ai vécue à l'école ABC pendant deux semaines ! On nous accueille si chaleureusement, l'ambiance est des plus sympathique, tous les membres du personnel font en sorte que plaisir et apprentissage se conjuguent bien. Ma professeure était simplement formidable : vive, drôle, inspirée et inspirante, même les règles de grammaire, grâce à elle, devenaient un plaisir à apprendre ! Quant à la période consacrée à l'oral, les activités et les sujets de conversation proposés déliaient les langues, amusaient souvent les participants et s'avéraient toujours intéressants. J'ai énormément apprécié aussi les activités organisées en après-midi pour le groupe des 50 ans et plus; notre guide était une perle et j'ai aimé autant les visites dans les musées que nous avons effectuées (entre autres) que les discussions que nous avons eues.
J'ai rencontré des gens formidables à l'école ABC -- et mon italien s'est beaucoup amélioré ! J'espère un jour pouvoir répéter cette expérience qui demeurera, pour moi, inoubliable.

Manfred, Austria
Für mich war die Zeit in der Scuola ABC eine sehr schöne Erfahrung. Vor 45 Jahren habe ich das letzte Mal die Schulbank gedrückt. Deshalb war ich doch etwas nervös, ich wusste ja nicht, was mich erwartet. Alle Gedanken waren umsonst. Hier fühlte ich mich sofort wohl. Hervorheben möchte ich das angenehme und sehr persönliche Miteinander in der Schule.
Ausgezeichnete Unterstützung durch das Sekretariat in allen Belangen, wenn man Fragen zur Schule, aber auch Auskünfte über Florenz oder sonstige Dinge hatte. Scuola ABC organisierte auch Ausflüge in der Region bzw. Besuche zu den Sehenswürdigkeiten in Florenz mit sehr guten Guides. Großartiges Zusatzprogramm.
Die Klassen sind sehr klein. Somit ist auch sofort ein guter Kontakt der „Schüler“ untereinander möglich. Die Lehrerinnen und Lehrer sind sehr qualifiziert und verstanden es die jeweiligen Unterrichtslektionen mit viel Motivation uns nahezubringen. Grammatik ist zwar nicht mein Ding - aber vor allem Michele - konnte diese „trockene“ Materie auf sehr lockere Art transportieren.
Die Konversationsstunden mit Irene vergingen jeweils wie im Fluge. Jede Stunde war ein Erlebnis. Ich habe, neben der Sprache, auch sehr viel über das Land Italien und die Kultur und Lebensart gelernt. Bei Linda konnte ich am Nachmittag das Gelernte vertiefen bzw. sofort in die Sprachpraxis umsetzen. Und sollte es mal notwendig sein, bietet Scuola ABC auch die Möglichkeit von Privatstunden an. Mir hat diese Möglichkeit sehr geholfen.
Die Schule selbst liegt im Zentrum der Stadt. In einem alten Palazzo. Blickt man aus dem Schulfenster, sieht man den Turm des Palazzo Vecchio. Aber auch der Weg zur Schule führt an den Sehenswürdigkeiten vorbei.
Und übrigens, diese Schule ist nicht nur für junge Leute. Zu meiner Überraschung konnte ich feststellen, dass ich mit meinen 63 Jahren nicht der einzige „Senior“ war. Ich werde wiederkommen. Vielen Dank für die Zeit mit euch – es hat Spaß gemacht.

Christina, USA
The experience of a lifetime!
I cannot praise ABC School highly enough. From start to finish, my 3-weeks there was amazing. First, the school director, Monica, is highly responsive to all your inquiries, and works diligently to craft exactly the program you want to have. Once you arrive, the school secretary, Conny, is equally helpful, making excursion suggestions and telephone reservations on your behalf, and well as just generally making sure that you are happy about every aspect of your ABC School experience.
The language instructors are amazing teachers, and really work hard to make the classes enjoyable. They also go the extra mile, and craft additional exercises outside the standard book curriculum when they see you have a weakness in a particular area (oh, you evil pronouns), plus move you around as needed to make sure you are always with students of a similar level.
ABC also organizes student group activities after classes. While I was there, we did a guided walk up to San Miniato al Monte, a cooking class, museum visits to the Accademia and the Uffizi, and popular evenings out for appericena and pizza. On Saturdays, teachers also escort interested students to neighboring towns such as Pisa, Siena and Lucca.
In addition to the morning Italian-language classes, I also took a course in Art History. Once again, Monica works with you to make sure you study exactly the artist(s) and/or time period that interests you the most. During the course, you have a private, 1 on 1 class with an Art History teacher. Each day you have a lecture or visit 1 or 2 locations throughout Florence with just your own art history specialist. The teacher makes sure that the class is tailored to what you are most interested in… more history? More art techniques? Just let them know. They are also excellent about suggesting other places to visit on your own that you might be interested in (because of funding restrictions, many museums have very strange hours – one place was open only Mon-Thurs, from 3-5 p.m.) In short, you are given a private, guided tour through one world’s richest art cities. Even if I forget 50% of what I learned, I’ll still be roughly 4,000 times smarter than before I took ABC’s art history course!
I can’t think of a better place to learn and study Italian. I’d recommend ABC School to everyone.

Helen, UK/Svizzera
Learning Italian at ABC School is like being part of a very warm and welcoming family… and I can also say that the organisation is excellent on all fronts.
What is more, the school provides absolutely first-class teaching to provide you with an in-depth grounding in Italian grammar (sei un insegnante bravissima, Irene!). This is followed by conversation classes and a wonderful activities programme to flesh out vocabulary and speaking ability (unforgettable: Elisa’s highly informed tours of the Florence art galleries in very understandable Italian!). In fact, all the teachers are well qualified, very knowledgeable and very interesting!
I had lots of fun during my seven weeks at ABC with colleagues from countries as far flung as India, Japan, the US and Finland and, most important, made a huge amount of progress.
Raccomando vivamente la scuola a ogni persona che cerca un insegnamento eccellente e un ambiente caloroso.

Ahmed, Oman
ABC School would be a great experience for the people who think to learn Italy at the mother tongue country.
ABC school stuff, teachers are kind and try to help at everything. the teachers are wonderful and deliver the information in a very easy way to understand and learn faster.
Florence is a historical city and you can enjoy it to learn more about Italy, arts and the arts schools between 12 - 18 centuries.
The school location is in the heart of the city.

Erdmuthe, Germania
The teachers were very nice, dedicated and motivated. They were interested in understanding the students, even though they consistently spoke only Italian. The grammar class (Silvia) was methodically well-structured, the in-house teaching material well suited to practice the grammar developed and discussed at the blackboard.
The conversational lessons (Irene) were based on the vocabulary of the students and the teacher made it every hour to get us talking in pairs or in a large group! You were always friendly encouraged, but also improved.
The school is a big, very nice, old house, centrally located. We were given friendly advice in the secretariat.
The study groups are small, in the second week we were only four, which guarantees that everyone really comes to practice.
The afternoon and Saturday activities that were offered, I really liked it.
I had a wonderful room with a very nice apartment owner, a large and above all quiet room with a private bathroom and toilet, which was just around the corner from the school.
There was also enough time for learning and practicing and for own things / sightseeing.
Florence is a great city for such a language stay!
There is absolutely nothing that I did not like - o.k .: the rain, but no one can do anything!

Ivo, Czech Republic
The location of the school in the centre of Firenze is great. I liked also friendly atmosphere and the way of teaching. The school offers interesting afternoon and evening programs. I really enjoyed the visits of museum with Elise (one of the trachers being a professional guide as well). I appreciated the acomodation in a family fakt just 20 minutes to go.

Ana Laura, Uruguay
Per tutto il mese di marzo 2018 ho studiato la lingua italiana alla scuola ABC.
La mia esperienza è stata davvero un piacere per i sensi.
Dal primo giorno in cui sono arrivata ho avuto un'accoglienza fantastica, le lezioni e i libri sono molto buoni e gli insegnanti sono eccellenti.
Ho imparato molto. Tutto è molto ben organizzato e curato.
Le attività extra sono fondamentali per praticare la lingua, per integrarsi e sentirsi a casa.
Ho incontrato nella scuola persone incredibili, ovviamente quelli che ci lavorano che sono sempre disposti ad aiutare e consigliare, ma anche compagni di classe provenienti da diversi paesi e con altre culture, con i quali abbiamo visitato musei e città vicine, siamo andati a mangiare, abbiamo condiviso infinite risate e molte foto per la memoria.
Cosa posso dire di Firenze?
Luogo con un fascino incredibile e un affascinante patrimonio artistico e culturale.
Ci sono molte attività e posti dove andare, così come i piatti da gustare perché il cibo locale è magnifico.
In breve, un'esperienza incredibile e arricchente che consiglio al cento per cento.
Spero almeno di tornare presto!
Un grande abbraccio per tutta la scuola e i miei compagni.
Grazie a voi è stata una bellissima esperienza.

Henrique, Brasile
Ir a Firenze, aprender na escola ABC, foi uma rica experiência no aperfeiçoamento da gramática italiana e da conversação. As atividades extras propiciaram conhecimento profundo da história, da alimentação e da vida em geral dos italianos. A participação em um pequeno período de atividades escolares proporcionou um caminhar com segurança por toda a região da Toscana. Retornarei em breve a escola. Muito obrigado a todos. Henrique Damiano

Sarah, Austria
Non mi ricordo esattamente quando il mio amore per Italia è iniziato. Il paese mi piaceva da sempre ma a ogni visita il mio affetto è diventato più forte. Grazie alla scuola di lingua ABC e alle sue insegnanti bravissime ho studiato la lingua nel modo più efficiente e divertente.
Particolarmente Brenda ha sentito subito la mia fascinazione per l’Italia e la sua lingua e ha deciso di insegnarmi tutto quello che voglio sapere. Posso consigliare la scuola a tutti quelli che hanno bisogno di imparare una lingua bellissima in un posto bellissimo. Firenze, la scuola e le insegnanti meritano una visita definitivamente. Grazie per tutto!
Sarah, Austria

Michaela, UK
I spent almost 6 months at the ABC School last year and it truly was an amazing experience for me! I loved every single week in both Sestri and Florence. My Italian (both grammar and oral skills) improved massively over my stay, especially when it comes to being confident when speaking, which is always a struggle for every language student. The teachers are extremely friendly and they always do their best to help every single student. Another amazing aspect of being an ABC student is the 'management team'. Monica, Brenda, Luisa and Francesca were always happy to help, and they made every single student feel very welcome.
Grazie mille, mi mancate tantissimo! A presto!

Geoffrey, Canada
The classes were excellent. Totally in Italian which is the only way to teach a language. All of the teachers were excellent. All young women and charming. The facilities were fine-you don’t need more than a classroom and whiteboard. The classes were small as promised which was great. The location was fine-a short distance from the downtown core. I particularly liked the tours of Florence-just two students and a teacher. Very good way of teaching Italian in a historic setting. My accommodation was a small apartment about 15 min from the school. Situated near restaurants and grocery stores it was perfect. Who else could say they slept under a painted ceiling in Italy!,
I can’t think of anything negative. They could have a better coffee machine-but that’s trivial.

Lovisa, Islanda
This school is perfect! The teachers are clear and patient! The students from all over the world are wonderful! Definitely coming back!
Ci vediamo! Grazie! Baci

Malvina, Svizzera
Die letzten zwei Monate verbrachte ich in Italien. Der ursprüngliche Plan war ein reiner Aufenthalt in Florenz, wo ich bereits vor einigen Jahren einen Kurs an der Scuola ABC besucht habe. Wie in Italien üblich, ändern sich Pläne hin und wieder, so dass ich mich entschieden habe, die ersten vier Wochen am neuen Standort der Scuola ABC im wunderschönen Sestri Levante den Sommer noch etwas zu verlängern und anschliessend in die Kulturhauptstadt Florenz zu wechseln. So konnte ich zwei tolle Destinationen kombinieren, die umliegenden Regionen erkunden und den Kurs in Florenz weiterführen - dies natürlich mit den selben didaktischen Methoden und Kursmaterialien. Die Schulen sind beide gut organisiert und äusserst flexibel. Die Mitarbeiter kennen ihre Studenten persönlich und kümmern sich hervorragend um alle! An beiden Schulen trifft man auf Kursteilnehmer jeglichen Alters und Herkunft, mit welchen man dank der übersichtlichen Grösse in den Pausen oder während den Aktivitäten rasch in Kontakt kommt. Aber auch sonst empfehle ich, sich vor Ort unter die Einheimischen zu mischen, um die Sprache anzuwenden und die Städte noch besser kennen zu lernen!

Margareta, Germania
Familiäre Atmosphäre, kompetente Dozentinnen, zentrale Lage, interessantes Rahmenprogramm. Alles passt, ich komme sicher noch mal wieder!

Sandra, Olanda
These two weeks at ABC school have been just great and my Italian (language) skills definitely improved. Staff/teachers were wonderfull and so were my classmates. Besides studying hard, we also had a lot of fun. Especially during the ‘after school activities’ which ABC arranges almost every day, even during the weekend. I’ve met and made great friends from all over the planet.
I would definitely recommend ABC school to everyone who wants to learn Italian in beautiful Firenze.

Lucas, Svizzera
Great teachers, very friendly staff and good atmosphere to study!

Shirley, USA
When I started I didn't know any Italian and within a few short weeks I was able to communicate. The staff is pleasant, the teachers very good, and there is such a lovely sense of community at the school. And lots of opportunities to do things together after class. I highly highly recommend the school for anyone who wants to learn or improve their Italian skills.

Alexandra, UK
I have studied at a few different language schools in different countries and I can definitely say that the ABC School in Florence is my favourite. Most importantly, the teachers and teaching style is very effective. You are encouraged to speak Italian immediately and the teachers are so incredibly friendly that it is never intimidating! You have really small classes as well (maximum 8 people) so you really do get a personal, intense learning experience and after a few weeks you will definitely feel like your Italian has improved.
What I also like about the school is that they organise accommodation for you as well as afternoon activities (food tours, films, museums, culture seminars etc.) so you're never bored and there is always the opportunity to improve your Italian even more in the afternoon. Lastly the school is in a great location. It's right in the historic centre in the Santa Croce quarter in the beautiful Florence which means that all the museums and restaurants are right at your doorstep. Definitely come here if you're interested in learning or improving your Italian, you won't regret it!

Thomas, Germania
The best of all schools I’ve ever visited. Nice rooms, perfectly organized, friendly and professional. I’m looking forward to join again...

Veronika, Ungheria
Insegnanti e staff molto gentili. Ambito perfetto per studiare la lingua e per fare la conoscenza con delle persone carine. Consiglio a tutti la Scuola ABC.

Millie, UK
Spending 2 weeks at the ABC School last August was an incredibly rewarding experience; not only did my Italian language skills improve, but I was also lucky enough to meet and spend time with a lovely group of teachers and make friends with students from all around the world! I would recommend the school to everyone.

Ross, USA
Ho imparato molto e ho migliorato il mio italiano qui. I professori sono molto simpatici e divertenti.

Mirtha, Argentina
My experience with the school was unique and unforgettable. At the beginning they welcomed me ( secretary and teachers ) with much warmth. I felt very comfortable; the teaching method exceeded all my expectations.
The accommodation was first rate, the hostess, Anna was a very, very affectionate, made things especial and provide excellent food. A woman who keeps practicing the language permanently in desktops, with comfortable, neat, spacious home.

Masayoshi, Japan
I could learn the grammars with a right speed. It was good that I had enough homework. As the afternoon activities were one-to-one style, my teacher explained me in English sometimes and I could know about the culture and the art in Florence. I'm 60 years old and one of my classmates was 80 years old. The school had a friendly environment and even an older person like me could feel comfortable to join the course. However, some of my classmates felt stressed to learn grammars. I had a good time with the excursions to Lucca and museums. I won't forget the delicious Italian dishes that we prepared and cooked at the school director's house.

Nicola, UK
I spent two weeks at the ABC school last summer and found it to be a very rewarding experience. My italian definitely improved, even after only two weeks, and all the staff were so friendly and helpful. I would definitely recommend this school!
Lucas, Svizzera: Great teachers, very friendly staff and good atmosphere to study!

Linda, USA
I studied at ABC for 3 weeks in the summers of 2014 and 2015. The teachers are amazing and I highly recommend the school. I liked that the students are of various ages and come from many different countries. The course book is unique to the school. I also think the location is very convenient and allows you to immerse yourself in day to day Florence life.

Silvia, Repubblica Ceca
ABC is great in all points of view: great location, great atmosphere, great teachers, great staff. Everybody from ABC is very helpful, they always try to do their best. I loved the tours with teachers around the city, the classes were very interesting, funny but also very educational. I strongly recommend this school if you want quality italian education with a lot of fun.

Anthony, Australia
This is the second time I have studied at ABC and I am already planning a third visit next year. I highly recommend this school for the quality of the teaching staff and the methods they use to impart written and spoken Italian to students from beginner to advanced levels. The extra curricular activities have been thoughtfully planned and are a welcome adjunct to the studies allowing students to familiarise themselves with the Italian culture, Arts, Florence and the environs. Love it, Love it, Love it!!! You will too!!!
Good luck with your Italian studies.

Barbara, Sweden
Excellent teachers, small classes. Visit all the lovely churches and museums in Florence! Good location.

The Best staff, each person was so helpful and genuine,and professional! I loved it the first time- I am going back again.
The teachers are truly caring and patient, and effective in their teachings.
My experience with teachers such as Monica, really takes heart and interest in each student, as each of the other instructors do.Brenda, and Linda, were two other women who assisted me, I had a difficult time with learning the language, but they were patient and sincere in their efforts. I would recommend this school to others because they truly take investment in their students!

Edel, Ireland
The teachers are fantastic, the organisation of the lessons is brilliant. It's a brilliant school and I would highly recommend going there.

María del Carmen, Argentina
Ha sido una experiencia maravillosa, que me gustaría repetir. La escuela ha elegido el alojamiento, en una hermosa casa, sus dueños un matrimonio encantador. Me han dado una bella habitación, con acceso a una patio lleno de bellas plantas y me he sentido un miembro de la familia.
En dos semanas de intenso y divertido estudio en la escuela, he amprendido mucho más de lo que hubiese imaginado. La escuela está ubicada en la parte antigua de Firence, en un bello edificio.
Las maestras de gramática (Silvia), de conversación (Irene) y las guías (Serena, Brenda, Silvia) han sido muy simpáticas y nos han transmitido muchos conocimientos. Las clases especiales con Mariachiara, han sido excelentes para reforzar, toda la información recibida. He comenzado en el primer nivel.
Me he divertido mucho en las salidas a cenar, para tomar aperitivo o helado. Hemos sido muy bien guiados en Museos, Iglesias y Jardines o paseos por los barrios cercanos.
Me he sentido muy acompañada con la Directora, siempre dispuesta a ayudar y siempre con una sonrisa.
Las aulas son muy hermosas, cómodas y con mucha luz. Los grupos de estudiantes, ideales, de 8 alumnos, de distintos países.
He estudiado otras lenguas, el sistema de enseñanza de ABC me parece extraordinario, en mi tiempo de estudiante no he podido pensar en otro idioma que no sea italiano.
Aclaro que tengo 68 años, alguna dificultad para memorizar, aún así he aprendido todo lo que me han enseñado.

Leslie, USA
My teacher as well as the entire staff were excellent! The school's location couldn't be better. There are several great options for a quick, or leisurely, lunch nearby after class either on Piazza Santa Croce or nearby Via dei Neri! Absolutely wonderful experience. I would definitely return.

Dario, Svizzera
Il soggiorno linguistico a Firenze mi è piaciuto davvero molto. La città è estremamente interessante, con innumerevoli punti d'attrazione e un'ampia offerta riguardo all'intrattenimento. Le lezioni presso la scuola ABC si tenevano in piccoli gruppi. In questo modo, gli insegnanti potevano approfondire in modo personalizzato le esigenze di ogni singolo studente. Le lezioni di gruppo, ma anche quelle private che si svolgevano nel pomeriggio, mi hanno aiutato moltissimo a fare progressi. Nel tempo libero andavo alla scoperta della città con i compagni di scuola, facevo shopping o partecipavo a delle escursioni. Ciò che mi ha particolarmente impressionato, è il senso dell'ospitalità in Italia. L'ho percepito sia a scuola sia a casa della famiglia ospite. Sono stato accolto a braccia aperte.

Diane, Australia
Great atmosphere, friendly staff and very professional teachers. Florence has a lot to offer to meet individual tastes. It was a great experience for me and has motivated me to continue to study the language.

Jasmine, Hong Kong
The teachers are very nice and they try their best to accommodate students' needs and concerns.

Jane, Australia
The rigorous approach to grammar, the teacher ensured that everyone understood the grammatical point before moving on, the teacher had many strategies for explaining difficult material. Several teachers are qualified tourist guides and run tours for the school, e.g the Uffizi and Palazzo Vecchio.

Pascal, Svizzera
Dank meines Aufenthalts an der ABC School Florenz konnte ich in kurzer Zeit deutliche Fortschritte in der Italienischen Sprache erzielen. Dies einerseits durch die sehr kleinen, individuellen Klassen (die ’Grammatikklasse’ bestand aus nur 5 Schülern, die ’Konversationsklasse’ aus 7 Schülern) und andererseits durch die freundliche Gastfamilie, welche sich mit viel Geduld, Freude und Motivation mit mir untehielt um mir die Sprache und die Kultur Florenz’ näherzubringen. Ich kann die Schule uneingeschränkt weiterempfehlen.

Zlatka, Bulgaria
What impressed me most was the friendly environment in the school. The teachers are very smart, well educated, open-minded and friendly to the students. The manner of teaching includes various activities - many games for training the conversation skills, a lot of entertainments, excursions, sightseeing tours around the most famous monuments, museums and places in Florence and Tuscan region. The best way of studying Italian language, meeting Italian people and places, learning about Italian history and culture. Those three weeks in ABC School in Florence are very good experience for me and definitely will remain as one of the best and warmest memories of my life.

M. H., Svizzera
The ABC school in Florence was sensationally good and everyone really made an effort to adapt to the Italian every day life and to have fun with one another. The class was very small, only 7 students. The teachers were great and very versatile and we talked a lot in class, which helped me a lot to progress. Also my listening comprehension got a lot better. I had a hotel in walking distance to the school and was very satisfied. Overall I can really recommend the ABC school in Florence. I would go back again immediately.

Ursula, Germania
Eine herzliche Atmosphäre mit kompetenten Lehrerinnen in kleinen Gruppen. Interessante Angebote für die Freizeit: Führungen und Ausflüge sowie gemeinsame Besuche von Restaurants und Bars.

Ida, Norvegia
I took a one week Italian beginners class and loved the experience. Both my teachers (grammar and conversation) were very skilled and made learning fun.
I only wish I could stay longer.
Highly recommended!

Mandy, Svezia
When I came to ABC I was a beginner. I knew a few words but not enough to have a conversation. I was supposed to stay until just before christmas but I loved it so much that I decided to stay a little longer, until the end of February, so in the end I stayed there for almost 6 months. At that point I had finished all the books and reached the level of C1.
The classes are small, which I really liked. Everyone gets the chance to speak. Everyone from teachers to students were so nice. The staff is incredibly helpful. They organize different activities in Florence and excursions to other cities nearby as well.
I absolutely loved everything about this school, would recommend anyone who wants to learn italian to study at ABC. You will not regret it.

Bojana, Svizzera
I was for 3 month at the school ABC. It was an amazing time.with the activitys at school we’ve visited little places or have done some walks around Florence. The atmosphere was awsome, we were all like a Family, and this is what i appreciated the most at the school, this feeling like you’re at home,even if you’re in an other country. I really miss the teachers and the whole school, because I had an amazing time there...and the most important thing was that I’ve passed the DALI exame, which I was there for...so, thank you all for your help and efford! Scuola ABC you are great!

David, Canada
Esperti ed amichevoli, tutti insistono affinché gli studenti parlino in Italiano in ogni momento. Raccomando altamente il corso intensivo per l'immersione completa. Mi è servito molto per migliorare la parte del discorso.
La scuola ABC ha superato le mie aspettative. Ho intenzione di tornare per altre 3 settimane e portare un amico.

Susan, USA
I attended ABC for a 2 week program every Spring for 3 years. It is perfectly located in a lovely neighborhood. I can not say enough good things about the staff and the school. They feel like part of my family now. I met people from all over the world, in all age groups. I continue to use the written materials at home. I have attended 3 other language programs in Florence and ABC is my favorite. You will not be disappointed if you attend the school.

Maria, Colombia
I’m so happy because I went to an incredible school, ABC is well-located, it’s very nice to study in an old palace. All the teachers are so helpful and friendly, you don’t get homesick. The excursions are amazing, I had the best experience of my life in ABC School Firenze.

Hugo, Svezia
I have just come home from two weeks in Firenze with ABC- Such a great experience! Excellent teachers, a great atmosphere, a kind of relaxed efficiency that certainly helped the learning process. There are numerous activities of all kinds organised outside of class, catering to all tastes and interests. I couldn't have wished for anything more. I hope to come back next year, hopefully for more than two weeks.

Елена А., Russia
Отличная школа! Училась в ней в феврале 3 недели в группе + 1 час в день были индивидуальные занятия. В группе не больше 8 человек, обычно кто-то не приходит, в среднем 5-6 (а было и по 3! Мне есть с чем сравнивать: муж в это же время учился в школе Леонардо да Винчи (у него в группе всегда было 12 человек) и нам школы разрешили поменяться на один день. Очень интересный состав учеников: английский банкир на пенсии дружил с бразильской школьницей; архитектор из Швейцарии , в свои 70 лет, приезжающий раз в год учить итальянский; кореянка, влюбившаяся в итальянца))). Мой совет: берите одну-две недели, на третьей мозги закипают!

Marlene, Brasile
Per me è stato un gran piacere studiare nella scuola ABC. Il mattino volava. Non mi ricordo di aver guardato l'orologio. È stata una bellissima esperienza. Se io potessi, tornerei mille volte! Grazie a tutte!

Benjamin, Francia
Una piccola struttura che in realtà aiuta a fare grandi progressi con gli insegnanti di qualità.

Tamara, Montenegro
My friend and I spent 2 weeks in ABC School in Florence and we had a really great experience. Everything was excellent - the school, teachers, atmosphere, students from all over the world, accommodation, activities organised after classes, etc. The staff is very helpful and willing to provide assistance and advice...Our Italian language skills significantly improved and we would like to recommend this school to anybody who wants to study Italian in Italy. We also hope to come back

Angelika, Germania
Il personale è molto cordiale e anche gli insegnanti. I metodi di insegnamento di una lingua straniera sono molto efficienti. I programmi pomeridiani ed i week-end sono di grande varietà, e si può sempre vedere che gli insegnanti sono molto motivati quindi prendete l'opportunità di partecipare a quante più attività offerte dalla scuola sia possibile .
Gli allievi della ABC provengono da tutto il mondo, ed è sorprendente che si può comunicare con chiunque in italiano, perché è il linguaggio comune di tutti. L'età media degli studenti può essere di circa 25 anni, ma anche le persone oltre i 50 sono completamente integrate (se vogliono esserlo). Non riuscivo a credere che fosse così facile da imparare una nuova lingua con 55! E quindi vorrei sempre tornare alla ABC in qualsiasi momento.